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Posted by Jodi Stolove on 9th Aug 2016
One of my favorite topics, POSTURE, will improve your exercise habits and your daily living.
Here are 5 ways that posture improvement and increasing your core strength will change your life!
Look thinner: Look like you took off 5 pounds by improving your posture.
Look younger: Look 5 years younger by staying straight and lifted with good posture.
Improve mood: Not only can standing and sitting with good posture make you feel more confident and powerful, it can also boost your happiness.
Feel confident: A tall, upright posture exudes strength and confidence.
Better balance: Core strength and better posture will improve your physical and psychological balance.
Being mindful and focused on a few simple changes will make a big difference.
When it comes to having good posture, core strength is the key. Our core is made up of our abdominal muscles, back muscles and the muscles around the pelvis. Strong core muscles will improve your posture and most importantly make it easier and safer to do many physical activities.
Remember to engage these core muscles as they are an integral part of an effective workout and are protective in all tasks of daily living.
Helpful Tips to Remember
Are you motivated? Start the 7 Day Posture Challenge today!
Mladen Golubic, medical director for the Center for Lifestyle Medicine at Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute, talked to The Wall Street Journal about posture tips: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887323628004578461270192692406